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게시글 정보

조회 667 2009/02/10 12:10

게시글 내용


제1호재 : 2009년 1월 미국 ces(세계 최대 소비자가전전시회)에서 세계를 놀라게하다

제2호재 : 2009년 미국 IT TV쇼에서 쇼호스트 dave가 선정한 10대 신제품에 소개(topten)

제3호재 : 우량하고 건전한 펀드멘탈 + 신사업



자산가치 (부동산 + sbs등 유가증권+자회사)  자산재평가 수혜주


자사주 44%

중국내 자산가치, 중국정책수혜주

국내정책수혜주 (거래소상장기업 2010년 국제회계 기준 도입)

공모가 15000원에 비해 너무 소외됨. 이제 오를 일만 남았음 즉 가격이 싸다는 점이 가장 큰 메리트 per 7.0 / pbr 0.3수준 (자사주고려시, 재평가 고려시 pbr은 훨씬낮음)


신규사업추진중... 오래전부터 준비했고, 워낙 보수적인 회사라  정말 기대됨



상장기업 남성이 큰일을 저질렀네요.  미국에서는 듀얼일렉트로닉스로 알려져있습니다. namsung하면 재미교포들도 모릅니다. 
이회사 카오디오로 미국에서 좀 알려졌지만, ces2009에서 반응을 보니.. 네비게이션 분야에서도 강자로 떠오를 모양입니다. 남성의 제품들로부터 기술력을 추론하면 터치스크린, 블루투스(bluetooth), 디지털 HD 위성 라디오, gps기술 등 다양한 기술을 가지고 있다고 보입니다

남성의 PND (휴대용 네비게이션)이 세계 최초로 디지털화된 위성라디오를 탑재했다고 지금 CES에서 화제가 되었다고 함.  전세계 수백개 회사중 세계 1-3위 회사들과 공동의 파이널리스트에 선정되었다고 하니 큰일 한샘. 삼성이나 lg는 올해 파이널리스트에 올린 제품이 있다는 기사는 못봤는데. 100% 수출회사라  국내 언론에 대해 소극적으로 홍보하는 듯 합니다.  해외언론에는 가끔 나옵니다.

자동차 경기는 안좋지만 올 봄에 출시되는 이 제품에 대한 현지의 기대가 큼니다.  위성과 실시간 교신하는 진정한 nav.이 상용화 되는 순간입니다.   3월이후부터는 해외 소비자 반응이 궁금합니다.
아쉬운 것은 미국과 유럽에서는 적용되는 시스템이라 하군요. 국내에서는 남성(dual)제품은 해외살다 들어오는 사람들에 의해서가 전부입니다.
이회사는 국제회계기준 적용시 큰 수혜를 입을 수 있는 자산주라고도 하네요. 배당도 꾸준하고요.  100%수출하는 기업이라   환율효과로 세계 big업체들과 경쟁에서 유리하고, 경기가 나빠도 크게 위축되지는 않을 거라나..
미국 유럽 경기가 나쁘지만, 현재까지 점유율이 낮아 향후 세계시장에서 점유율 1%-2% 만 더올려도  향후 회사수익은 엄청나게 올라갈겁니다.  IMF때도 적자를 안냈다고 하네요.  이회사의 자회사도 작년에  중국의 위성티비 cas시스템 분야에서 세계 1위 업체를 제치고 수주를 할만큼 중국에 일찍 진출했고, 중국 정부나 중국 광조우시에서도 인정하고 있다고 합니다.
시가총액이 작고 자산가치가 높아 지금보다 인지도가 생긴다면 괴력을 발휘할 유망 중소형주라 판단은 됩니다.

우리나라도 일본이나 대만처럼 자랑스런 중소기업이 많았으면 좋겠습니다.

2009 CES 2009에서 GPS부분에서 Best of CES GPS finalist
선정. (tom-tom, mio,garmin 등 세계적 TOP gps-pnd 회사 공동수상)

에이빙글로벌네트워크는 IT신제품을 소개하는 세계적인 통신사 IT업계의 로이터통신이라 볼수있는데 아래와 같이 스페셜 리포트가 나왔네요

Dual's new PND to deliver HD Radio technology with real-time traffic

[ AVING Special Report Team  2009-02-01] 




LAS VEGAS, USA (AVING Special Report on 'CES 2009') -- <Visual News> Dual Electronics has announced a new flagship model to its portable navigation device (PND) lineup that re-defines value in mobile GPS systems during CES 2009.

Featuring built-in HD Radio technology and live traffic updates via a generous 4.3-inch color touchscreen, Dual's XNAV43HD brings today's most useful and wanted navigation features to a mass market audience.

The flagship XNAV43HD alerts the driver to real-time traffic conditions through HD Radio TMC (Traffic Message Channel) broadcast by Clear Channel's HD Radio stations. The traffic data for this service is created by a combination of Clear Channel's Total Traffic Network and INRIX floating car data. All the data that is provided is continuously monitored and updated by Clear Channel's staff of local traffic data producers.

Dual was one of the first brands to feature built-in HD Radio tuners in its mobile entertainment systems, and is now one of the first to offer HD Radio technology and TMC reception in a PND device. In an age of fluctuating fuel prices, drivers can now reach their destinations with maximum savings of time and money.

The XNAV43HD features intuitive operation and a simple interface via a large, bright 4.3-inch TFT LCD color touchscreen, highlighted by a built-in light sensor that automatically dims the display in daylight conditions. The unit's fast 533 MHz processor is fed by NAND flash memory, assisted by both 128 MB of random access memory and an external slot for SD/SDHC/MMC cards.

Text-to-speech for announcing navigation guidance is included along with complete maps of North America and millions of points of interest. The XNAV43HD can also play music, videos and photos from SD/SDHC and MMC cards.

Dual's XNAV43HD comes complete with a 12-volt power cord that charges its internal lithium ion battery, lasting up to four hours without a power source, as well as a USB cable, a cradle and suction cup for easy dash or windshield mounting.

The Dual XNAV43HD has a suggested retail price of $279.99 and will be available later this spring.




< AVING Special Report Team for 'CES 2009' : Idea Kim, Min Choi, Kevin Choi, Joshua Shim, Paul Shin, Miso Kim, Esther Yoon, Abraham Shim, Grace Won, Risa Koo, JB Shim, Jini Shim >
Dual to announce its new multimedia head unit 'XDVD9101'
LAS VEGAS, USA (AVING Special Report on 'CES 2009') -- <Visual News> Dual Electronics announced its new multimedia head unit 'XDVD9101' during CES 2009. This powerful multimedia entertainment center brings together all of today's favorite music and video sources, allowing drivers to enjoy them through a friendly, easy-to-operate user interface and generous 7-inch LCD screen.

< AVING Special Report Team for 'CES 2009' : Idea Kim, Min Choi, Kevin Choi, Joshua Shim, Paul Shin, Miso Kim, Esther Yoon, Abraham Shim, Grace Won, Risa Koo, JB Shim, Jini Shim >


 미국 cbs뉴스에서도 소개가 되었네요 (아래 링크)

사진을 보니 세계적 기업 mio의 전시 부스가 보이고,  뒤편에 현대 모비스가 보입니다.
현대모비스는 국내에서는 유명하지만, 모비스는 현대차가 차려놓은 밥상에 수저얺는 정도죠
미국현지에서는 남성  dual이 훨씬 유명합니다

한국시장도 잠재력이 크지만 소비자들이 수동적이라 미국에서는 한국처럼 차를 팔때 오디오를 옵션으로 끼워파는 경우가 없고, 베스트바이에 가면 티비, 컴퓨터 매장처럼 자동차용 IT제품 코너가 따로 있습니다. 미국이나 유럽사람들은 95%이상 DIY형인데, 한국은 자기손으로 카오디오 교환하는 사람은 5%도 안될겁니다. 대부분 현대차고 대부분 현대 모비스제품을 좋든 실든 사용하니 아마 정부 정책이 바뀌고 소비자 인식이 바뀌면 국내시장에도 진입할 것으로 보입니다.




CES자체 파이널리스트에 올라선 것외에 미국의 TV쇼프로 자체선정한 2009topten 제품에서 선정

제2의 IMF 맞이하여 국민여러분들에게 힘이 되었으면 좋겠네요.
이런 중소기업의 쾌거는 9시 뉴스감인데, 명텐도 뉴스나 나오고...쩝
(이회사의 자회사 드리머가 중국에서 다국적기업 이데토를 물리치고 중국 국영위성방송 사업자가 되었고, 현재 여러나라 나라
진출이 기대됨... 하지만 9시뉴스는 머하남)

미국 테크날러지 토크쇼인 Into Tomorrow의 호스트 Dave 가 선정한
2009 ces topten 제품


놀랍게도...ces에 출시된 수만개의 제품중에서....

한국 제품이 2개인데 lg 손목시계 휴대폰, 남성(DUAL electronics)의 Dual XNAV43HD topten 선정.

 (맨아래 사진을 클릭하면 dave가 친절한 설명을..)

이 제품은 현지에서는 봄에 본격 출시된다고 하네요.  300불 정도지만..환율이 올라 남성입장에서는 좋아라 하겠네요

한국에서도 팔면 당장 사고싶네요. (맨 하단의 제품)


This is a compilation of products and services that Dave Graveline and the “Into Tomorrow” Team selected as our Top Ten Picks at the 2009 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. This listing is in no particular order and while there were MANY cool things that we talked about during our CES broadcasts and wanted to honor this year, below are the coolest that we found and awarded on "Into Tomorrow". Click on the product name to visit their website for more details.

Check out the Top Ten Archives here

Mindflex by Mattel

A game that challenges your mind, concentration and control. Ever thought about moving something with your mind? Did you think that would be possible? Mindflex does that. Dave was skeptical and didn’t think he could do it because he has so much on his mind, but to his surprise, he did it. Check it out in Fall of 2009.

Click on the "play" button on the left to watch the video.

LG Watch Phone

LG Watch Phone

To all you wrist watch fanatics and collectors: Can your “watch” make phone calls, text, play music, and keep accurate time? This one can! At CES 2008, LG showed a prototype of this watch phone, but soon it will become a reality and you'll be able to buy one. The watch phone features 3G compatibility, enabling high-speed data transmission and video phone calls using its built-in camera. No exact release date details have been announced yet, but be on the lookout. Add this to your list whenever it makes it to the US.


This was one of the new products to get lots of attention from our listeners and viewers at CES 2009. Powermat is a new way to wirelessly charge all your electronic devices from one power source. Like the name implies, it's a mat where you place your devices to charge by way of magnetic induction. Powermat pairs the mat with a receiver that connects to your device. You have to buy a specific receiver for each device you want to charge. It's compatible with devices like: Phones, PDAs, Bluetooth headsets, iPods, Laptops, Portable GPS Units, and more. Available in Fall of 2009.

Click on the "play" button on the left to watch the video.

Intel My WiFi Technology

Intel's My WiFi technology allows users to connect effortlessly and wirelessly to their digital camera, printer, HDTV, MP3 player or other Wi-Fi enabled devices without accessing a Wi-Fi access point. This technology will be available in future notebooks with Intel processors. Learn more about this technology on the video interview on the left.

Click on the "play" button on the left to watch the video.

Vuzix Wrap 920AV

Vuzix Wrap 920AV

These are stylish and innovative sunglasses. The Wrap 920AV is the first video eyewear from Vuzix in the form of a standard pair of sunglasses, while providing a 60-inch private monitor. It features Quantum optics technology that doesn’t block out the world around you. Compatible devices include: iPods, Portable DVD Players, Media Players, Digital Cameras, Camcorders, Cell Phones with video out, PCs & Laptops with S-Video, and more. As an added bonus, they will work with the Apple iPhone. Look for them in the Summer of 2009.

Casio Dynamic Photo

Casio Dynamic Photo

To be featured in future Casio digital cameras, Dynamic Photo is a technology that allows users to paste moving objects shot with the camera into different still shots. This will create what they call a 'virtual reality'.


MedSignals is a portable device that reminds you when it's time to take your daily prescriptions. It alerts for 4 prescriptions at scheduled times, which you have to program before-hand. It also records when pills were taken. Then, it uploads usage times automatically to a server through your home phone line. This allows your caretaker to know whether or not you're being responsible with your prescriptions. There is a monthly service fee on top of the price of the device. Learn more on the video interview on the left.

Click on the "play" button on the left to watch the video.

Palm Pre

Palm Pre

The Palm Pre is the first phone based on the new Palm webOS platform. The Pre will automatically bring your information from the many places it resides -- on your phone, at work or on the web -- into a single, integrated view using the web with its 3G connection. Pre will support a variety of on-device Sprint services, including Sprint TV, Sprint Navigation and Sprint Radio. Will be available in the US in the first half of 2009. Price has not been announced yet. Exclusive on Sprint.

INADA SOGNO Massage Chair

One of the best electronic chair massages we've ever had! SOGNO, which means dream in Italian, features many innovative and unique functions. It does all sorts of massages for your entire body. Unfortunately, it is very expensive, but if you can afford it, have at it. Find out more about its features on the video interview on the left.

Click on the "play" button on the left to watch the video.

Dual XNAV43HD Portable Navigation System with HD Radio Technology
and “Real Time” Traffic

Dual Electronics announced a new flagship model to its portable navigation device (PND) lineup featuring built-in HD Radio technology and live traffic updates via a 4.3” TFT LCD color touchscreen highlighted by a built-in light sensor that automatically dims the display in daylight conditions. Text-to-speech for announcing navigation guidance is included along with complete maps of North America and millions of points of interest. The XNAV43HD can also play music, videos and photos from SD/SDHC and MMC cards. The Dual XNAV43HD has a suggested retail price of $279.99 and will be available later this spring.

Click on the "play" button

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