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■ 영국과 스웨덴 싱가포르 에어쇼 불참 선언 ■

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게시글 정보

조회 1,864 2010/02/02 14:09

게시글 내용



BAE(영국회사) Saab(스웨덴회사)가 금년 싱가포르 에어쇼에 불참한답니다.


이유는 싱가포르가 이미 한국의 T-50과 이탈리아의 M-346을 마지막 선텍 기종으로 결정되어서

참석을 않하기로 결정했답니다.


그러나 2년뒤에 열리는 Air Show에는 참석을 하겠다고 합니다.  

이유는 태국정부에서 고등훈련기를 2012년에 국제 입찰을 하기때문이랍니다.


UAE와 작년에 계약한 이탈리아 M-346은 문제가 많은 것으로 알려져있습니다.

이런상황에서 싱가포르가 이번에 다시 M-346을 선택할 가능성은 거의 희박할것입니다.


싱가포르가 T-50을 선택하는 것은 이제 발표만 남은것 같네요.


전세계에서 유명한 전투기 제작회사들이 이번에 아예 포기한다고 하니 아주 좋은 뉴스지요.


퍼스텍은 T-50 발표날까지 무조건 홀딩입니다


원문을 참고하세요


Singapore Air Show: BAE, Saab To Skip


By andrew chuter

Published: 29 Jan 2010 07:01  


LONDON - BAE Systems will be a no-show at next week"s Singapore Airshow, the first time Europe"s largest defense contractor has not exhibited at Asia "s premier military and commercial aerospace event.


The British-based company will be the only one of the world"s top 10 defense contractors missing from the show when it opens at the Changi Exhibition Centre on Feb 2.


The company will not be the only notable European absentee from the event. Swedish defense company Saab has also decided to miss the exhibition this year.


A spokeswoman for BAE said the company"s focus in the Southeast Asian region had, for the moment, moved away from the air sector to potential naval and land programs.


"The air side in Singapore is not a big priority for us for the time being, but we remain extremely committed to looking at the tri-service market as a whole in the region," she said.


The company"s presence will be limited to Southeast Asian-based executives, she said.


BAE was one of several major exhibitors who following the 2008 show complained to the exhibition organizers about the absence of military delegations on their stands, said an industry executive.


2008 was the first time Singapore had organized the show by itself after it split with longtime organizer Reed Exhibitions.


BAE"s air sector market opportunities in Singapore have been limited since the Hawk jet was pitched out of a competition to buy a new trainer in 2008. Alenia Aermacchi"s M-346 Master and the Korean Aerospace-built T-50 continue to battle for selection.


A Saab spokesman said the company was focusing more on national exhibitions in places like Thailand , India and Malaysia rather than attending the regional show in Singapore . The Swedish military aircraft, missiles and systems producer opted out of the Paris Air Show last year but says it will be at the Farnborough air show in the U.K. this summer.


The spokesman said the company might reconsider the position for Singapore 2012, by which time it will have Gripen fighters operational in the region following the signing of a deal to sell the aircraft to Thailand.


An official from the Singapore Airshow & Events (SAE) office denied there was a problem, stating there were about the same number of delegations and exhibitors this year as there were in 2008.


"We had 240 delegations representing different governments and business groups in 2008 and roughly the same number this year. This also includes the same number of exhibitors, at roughly 800 for both shows," said a SAE spokesperson.


The official did not respond to issues regarding complaints about access to delegations during the 2008 show.


"Regarding BAE Systems and Saab, they are valued partners of the Singapore Airshow and we were looking forward to see them again in this year"s show. Both companies had committed to Singapore Airshow 2010 earlier. However, they have decided to pull out from this year"s show late 2009," said the spokesperson.

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