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화이자의 컨퍼런스 콜에서 나온 셀트리온 관련 내용

작성자 정보


게시글 정보

조회 1,446 2015/02/14 10:36

게시글 내용



대우증권 자료보다가 발견


화이자가 공개적으로 셀트리온과 논의하기를 look forward to 햇군요.

중2때 배운 숙언데....


전체적으로는 너무 무난해서 정치적인 느낌이 드는군요.



So is there overlap in the biosimilar product pipeline here?  바이오시밀러  파이프라인에  겹치는  부분이  있는지?  

At this stage, we've done some due diligence. We need to get in and sit down and look at the
overall  plans.  We're  satisfied  at  this  stage  that  the  complementary  nature  of  the  biosimilars
business is a good fit, and we expect it to drive value for Pfizer shareholders.
현재  실사가  마무리  된  상태.  바이오시밀러  사업의  상보적인  면이  잘  맞고,  주주  가치를  제고  시킬  것으로  기대


질문  2
On biosimilars, when I look at the portfolio of theassets that Hospira is working on, you currently
have in Phase 3 HERCEPTIN, RITUXAN, REMICADE. You also have AVASTIN  and HUMIRA that
are in Phase 1. That's a mirror image of what Hospira has partnered with Celltrion. So wouldn't it
be logical to part way with the Celltrion assets, especially since internally developed ones would be
better to maintain or keep?
셀트리온과  파트너인  호스피라도  화이자와  동일한  허셉틴,  리툭산,  레미케이드를  가지고  있음.  내부  개발  아이템들을  유지하고, 셀트리온  아이템을  내어  주는 게  타당한  게  아닌지?
On the biosimilars overlap that you indicate, we will take new decisions that are best focused on
patient needs and value and have a lot of conversations with the regulators on that issue. So rest
assured that we've looked at this and we believe wewill take the appropriate decisions to conserve
value in the deal.
중복되는  바이오시밀러  관련해서는  환자  필요  및  가치에  집중해서  새로운  결정을  내릴  것임.  본  사안에  대해  검토했고,  본  딜의가치를  보존하기  위해  적합한  결정을  내릴  것임


질문  3
In terms of the Celltrion portion of the Hospira relationship, can you just help us better understand
if there are any considerations in the context of t he contract with Celltrion and Hospira that would
require any movement?
셀트리온과  호스피라간  계약에  있어  어떤  움직임을  초래하는  고려사항이  있는  지?
I would say that clearly we're  at the early stages. We haven't sat down with Celltrion yet. We've
looked at the contractual relationship between Hosp ira and Celltrion. We're satisfied that that will
allow us to continue to maximize value and continueto have a good relationship with Celltrion and
will enable us to have the appropriate discussions with regulators. And those discussions and the
expectations of those discussions are factored intothe value of the deal. And we look forward to a
discussion with Celltrion on these issues. So I think you can fe el satisfied that we don't think this is
a major issue for the transaction. But at this stage, we really can't say any more on this. 
셀트리온과는  아직  논의  전임.  호스피라와  셀트리온간의  계약  관계를  검토했음.  검토  결과,  가치를  극대화할  수  있고,  셀트리온과  좋은  관계를  계속해서  가질  수  있으며,  규제  기관들과  적절한 논의를  할  수  있는  점에  만족함.  향후  논의  및  논의에  대한  기대등이  본  딜의  가치에  포함되었음.  향후  셀트리온과  논의하기를기대함.  하지만  현재로써  본  질문과  관련해  더  말할  내용이  없음

자료: Bloomberg, KDB대우증권 리서치센터

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